Rise & Fall of Kośala

India in 6th century BCE was brimming with activity, be it religious, political or cultural. The political map of this ancient civilization at the time was dotted with territorial units called the janapada-s. Buddhist sources like Aṅguttara Nikāya inform us about the sixteen major janapada-s of Jambudipa (India) i.e. soḷasa mahājanapada known for some time … Continue reading Rise & Fall of Kośala

Magadha & Avanti: The End of the House of Pradyota-s

We all are very well aware about the sixteen states (soḷasa mahājanapada) of ancient India. Their rise is usually considered to have taken place in pre-6th century BCE India i.e. before the rise of Kosala under Mahākosala, father-in-law of Bimbisāra1 . Some of these sixteen states have been mentioned in various earlier sources. For example, … Continue reading Magadha & Avanti: The End of the House of Pradyota-s