The Second Indo-Hunnic War

Ancient India in the early 6th century was riveting with socio-political and religious churning. In the political sphere, one of the catalysts for this churning were the Huns or the Hūṇa-s as they were called in India. As stated in previous post of this blog, the timeline of the Indo-Hunnic relations can be divided into … Continue reading The Second Indo-Hunnic War

The Last Sasanian Strive

The downfall of the mighty ancient Persia under the Islamic onslaught was one of the most catastrophic events of history. There seems to be a popular perception about the ancient Persian civilization that after the victory of the Arabic forces over the House of Sasan and death of the Sasanian Emperor Yazdegerd III (r. 632-651 … Continue reading The Last Sasanian Strive

Gupta-Hūṇa Relations: A Study

THE north-western frontier of the Indian sub-continent throughout it's history has been an entry point for the invading armies. The first major historical invasion which resulted in the loss of territory to India was the Achaemenid invasion during the great expansion by it's king Cyrus around 535 BCE. It made inroads into our territory and … Continue reading Gupta-Hūṇa Relations: A Study

Russia & The Slave Raids

Slavery as abhorrent as it was and still is, has been practiced with varying degrees since the ancient times. From the time of ancient Egyptians to the Indians, the Greeks and the Romans and to the Ottomans, from republics to empires, almost every civilization has had slavery as a recognized and even legal concept with … Continue reading Russia & The Slave Raids