‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

The ambassador of an Indian Emperor is seemingly on an official visit to a kingdom south of the Vindhya-s. On reaching his destination, instead of being received with due deference, the ambassador is not even given a proper seat in the court — certainly an appalling disregard to the socio-political mores. The ‘courtiers jeer at … Continue reading ‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

In Search of Pāṭaliputra

It is always surreal to remember a time when a lot of what we now know about ancient Indian history, particularly political history once belonged to the realm of obscure. We can even be accused of taking the information we possess for granted. To think when the empires of Magadha were not general knowledge, when … Continue reading In Search of Pāṭaliputra

The Elusive Kācha – Rāmagupta

Of the many mysteries of Indian history, the illustrious Gupta Empire can claim to have a fair share of them. One of these mysteries had been the elusive personalities of Kācha and Rāmagupta. For those who do not know about it – a quick summary is needed. Over the past century, we learned about various … Continue reading The Elusive Kācha – Rāmagupta

Gupta-Hūṇa Relations: A Study

THE north-western frontier of the Indian sub-continent throughout it's history has been an entry point for the invading armies. The first major historical invasion which resulted in the loss of territory to India was the Achaemenid invasion during the great expansion by it's king Cyrus around 535 BCE. It made inroads into our territory and … Continue reading Gupta-Hūṇa Relations: A Study