‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

The ambassador of an Indian Emperor is seemingly on an official visit to a kingdom south of the Vindhya-s. On reaching his destination, instead of being received with due deference, the ambassador is not even given a proper seat in the court — certainly an appalling disregard to the socio-political mores. The ‘courtiers jeer at … Continue reading ‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

Colonial Confinement of Hinduism

Before the British Crown officially took over the reins of their colonial empire in India, the preceding period of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century was defining in more ways than one. Of course, common knowledge is that these years were laying the foundation for the events of 1857, but behind the political jargon and … Continue reading Colonial Confinement of Hinduism

Subservience: Of The Red, For The Red & By The Red

The year of 1919 proved momentous for more than one reason. While this year is surely to remind one of the oxymoronic peace conference at Paris which halted one great war and sowed the seeds of another, the other lesser famous event was founding of the Communist International - the Comintern in Moscow by the … Continue reading Subservience: Of The Red, For The Red & By The Red

Christians and Spices: da Gama in India

The date was 20th May 1498, at the port city of Kozhikode or Calicut, with all the hustle and bustle of a famous trading point, was business as usual. A Portuguese fleet came and anchored itself near the city of Calicut. After loosing the sea route to India for a long time, making wrong turns, … Continue reading Christians and Spices: da Gama in India