The Second Indo-Hunnic War

Ancient India in the early 6th century was riveting with socio-political and religious churning. In the political sphere, one of the catalysts for this churning were the Huns or the Hūṇa-s as they were called in India. As stated in previous post of this blog, the timeline of the Indo-Hunnic relations can be divided into … Continue reading The Second Indo-Hunnic War

The First Indo-Hunnic War

“He (Prakāśadharman) bears the royal glory, which brings auspicious results, in order to benefit the world and not to increase (his own) pleasure...” Richard Salomon's translation of a verse from the Rīsthal Inscription of Prakāśadharman, the later Aulikara ruler, dated 515 CE.1 If we try to classify the timeline of the Indo-Hunnic relations, it can … Continue reading The First Indo-Hunnic War