‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

The ambassador of an Indian Emperor is seemingly on an official visit to a kingdom south of the Vindhya-s. On reaching his destination, instead of being received with due deference, the ambassador is not even given a proper seat in the court — certainly an appalling disregard to the socio-political mores. The ‘courtiers jeer at … Continue reading ‘Kuntaleśvaradautya’—A Study

The Elusive Kācha – Rāmagupta

Of the many mysteries of Indian history, the illustrious Gupta Empire can claim to have a fair share of them. One of these mysteries had been the elusive personalities of Kācha and Rāmagupta. For those who do not know about it – a quick summary is needed. Over the past century, we learned about various … Continue reading The Elusive Kācha – Rāmagupta